There are an abundance of opportunities for children at Anew Dimension to learn and develop new interests and skills each day inside their classrooms, on playgrounds, and throughout the Center. We offer further enrichment opportunities that expand children's experiences in areas of music, performing arts, international dance, yoga, poetry, multi-lingual and mixed media storytelling sessions and STEAM opportunities.

Music Classes
Music classes include both music and movement. Children form community through taking turns and singing of names. They play musical games, learn musical terms, listen to a variety of different types of music, learn and sing songs together, dance and engage in musical instrument play. Music classes engage children in joyful experiences that nourish their development and love for music.
Yoga Classes
Yoga classes are offered regularly. Children learn simple poses that help to develop strength, coordination, and flexibility. Yoga also teaches children breathing and self-regulation techniques that can help them be calm in stressful times.
Imagination Theatre
New Imagination Theatre performances are offered each month. Puppets and sets designed to glow in black light use music and dialog to tell original stories to the children. The stories are age-appropriate lessons such as teamwork, eating healthy, and treating others with kindness. It is an important experience that encourages creativity and emergent literacy.
Poetry Parfait
Poetry parfait is offered regularly. Children are introduced to the rhyme, rhythm and imagery of poetry. Poetry can help stimulate early literacy skills and encourages children to play with words and language. The instructor also includes a snack that fits the theme at hand.
International Dance Classes
International dance classes are offered on a monthly basis. Each month, children visit a new country to learn about their dance and costume/traditional dance attire. Children learn and practice new dances, listen to music, and can see and touch costumes.
International dance provides children with aerobic movement, self confidence, and awareness of different cultures.
Multi-lingual/Mixed Media Storytelling
Center storytelling is offered on a regular basis. Every month we choose a new story that is told to children in English and often a second language, or through a mixed media presentation.
STEAM Opportunities
STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) activities for young children can take many different forms and are available and age-appropriate in all classrooms at Anew. Science-centered play, use of simple tools like crayons or scissors or the more complex technology of an iPad, problems-solving activities, and learning about patterns, shapes and numbers are some examples.
Further opportunity for children to learn about the world through STEAM lenses outside their classroom include a Monarch Butterfly life-cycle project where children learn about their metamorphosis by observing through a terrarium and releasing fully grown Monarchs. Our gardens give children the opportunity to learn about plant and seed growth, and ecosystems in a hands-on manner. Visual and performing arts are offered regularly, and the hallways of Anew always display children’s original artwork.