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Nurture strong constructive relationships between
children, families and staff, increasing respect, resilience and confidence.

Curriculum & Teaching 

Meet growing needs of children as center numbers increase. Establish lesson plans
addressing goals children are working on.

Assessment of Child Progress

Put newly created and approved Silver Assessment tool into practice.


Create “Go Bags” for classrooms to be used for field trips and evacuations.


Create displays for families demonstrating what their children are working on.

Training on Family communication.

Physical Environment

Nurture new trees planted. Increase shade.

Improve nature path.

Leadership & Management

Establish new ways to communicate with families,
on field trips (cell phones) and throughout the center/grounds (walkie-talkies).

Imagination Theatre

Present new show, A Snail’s Tale focusing on
diversity, kindness and encouraging others to see from broader perspectives.

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